duminică, martie 6

Pentru Rares...

duminică, martie 6
Hmm...let's see how good I know your music tastes. Sa-mi lasi un comentariu neaparat sa-mi zici care din ele iti place.
Pe unele din ele trebuie sa le asculti de cateva ori pana sa inceapa sa-ti placa, dupa care devi obsedat de ele.

15. It's you and me and all other people with nothing to do, nothing to lose...

14. If you were a kiss I know I'd be a hug...

13. And all I can taste is this moment...

12. We just want to make the world dance...

11. We're left dishelved...We lost the fight...

10. Yes I'm sure down deep inside, you're the one that I want...

9. I was dificult to reach, but you picked me...

8. Fuck youuuuuu very very much...

7. N-ai cum sa spui ca vi si sa nu mai vi niciodata...

6. Oh, in cold hard mathematical terms you're...in love...

5. I hope I lose myself for good...I hope you find me in the end...

4. I can't see what anyone can see in anyone else...But you...

3. You found me...just a little late...

2. And my back beggins to tingle suddenly...

1. (Inevitabilul :)) ) Wish I could shut my playboy mouth...

1 comentarii:

Rareş spunea...

Uuuu :) ^_^ In primul rand mersi. :) Fac si eu postarea aia cat de repede pot. :P
Iar acum, dara ar fi sa le impart, sunt:
1) Cele pe care le iubesc: 15, 13, 12, 11, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1.
2) Cele care-mi plac: 14, 10, 3.

Oricum sunt cool-e toate, deci :))

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