luni, ianuarie 31

Prea mult fum...

luni, ianuarie 31
In 20 de minute ar trebui sa plec....cred...Nu stiu.
Am in cap toate prostiile. Si am in cap prea mult fum, am o senzatie de gol si plin si ameteala. Am chef de ceva ce nu pot avea....

Nu am cheeeeef azi....Nu mai vreau :(

Deci 14...

Aaaa...Am 14. Ok...What's next?

sâmbătă, ianuarie 29

...In theend we only have one life to live...

sâmbătă, ianuarie 29
* dati play inainte sa cititi.
* postul de mai jos nu e adresat nimanui in particular, dar e inspirata de cateva persoane :P

Ma gandesc la un loc cald si intunecat :)...Oriunde, cel mai probabil doar undeva in mintea mea.

Ne prefacem ca nu ne cunoastem...E doar intuneric si noi...Stralucirea din ochii tai ma sperie, imi aduce aminte de un animal.
Desi nu ne atingem fizic, gandurile ne sunt tangente. E atata tensiune intre corpurile noastre acum, incatne vine greu sa ne atingem, parca impinsi inapoi de energia asta ciuadata dintre noi.

Inima imi bate tare, gat sa-mi sparga pieptul. Simt cum un val de caldura imi aprinde obrajii. Inchid ochii pentru o clipa, apoi iti simt rasuflarea gandilandu-mi fata.

Imi mangai parul cu varful degetelor. Inspir puternic, simtind un influx electric pe sirea spinarii. Infrigurata, iti caut buzele...De-abia le ating cu ale mele, indepartandu-ma de fiecare data cand imi cauti sarutul.

Incet,imi strecor mainile fierbinti pe sub straturile de haine dintre noi. Fara sa observam suntem deja lipiti. Totusi, buzele mele inca te mai chinuie...
Zambesc usor. Stiu cat de mult iti place...Te dezbrac incet in timp ce mainile tale imi traseaza conturul corpului.

Intinsi unul langa celalalt, imi prinzi sovaitor mana.
" Acum cred ca merit" imi spui, in timp ce ma saruti avid...Te las.
In the end, we only have one life to live.

marți, ianuarie 25

Pure randomness

marți, ianuarie 25
Walking the snowy streets all alone and thinking about you has become such a habit for me that I can't really imagine thinking about something else. Also, all the wind whipping my hair around and the sound of my steps on the pavement makes me feel like I'm in a romance-novel or, even better, in a music video to a song by one of those cheesy, soft-rock band that makes girls' heart melt and boys' stomachs turn upside down :)

Well, really, I should stop posting about you all the time. It also has become a (bad) habit, because not only you, but my friends, will think that I have nothing else to post about except our wonderful, fairytale-y relationship....

Also, you must think I'm trying to sound smart by posting in English, but really...All this learning for the CAE made me dream in English ( and no, I'm not kidding) so deal with it darling :).

Actually, I'm happy that I've settled myself down. I was simply sick of all the gossip, rumors and smoke...After all, fitting in isn't worth all the bad jokes and hypocrisy, so...I guess you're my one only vice right now.

Anyways, by now I'm not even talking to you, I'm just using you as a excuse to write all this non-sense...

So let's just go on, considering that I haven't written anything for a while...

Don't you just hate love songs? I mean, why aren't there any love songs about regular relationships...You know, the ones that involve fighting about something you can't remember by the end of the discussion, awkward moments, frustration...Well, there are some songs about this too, but they really aren't love songs...They're more like "i'm-breaking-up-with-you" songs...

Now seriously, every little girl is brought up to believe that " the one" will magically appear from nowhere up on his white horse and love them until they are old, saggy and full of wrinkles...Actually, this may happen...but " to love" doesn't always mean serenading on each others windows and sweet kisses and cheesy stuff like that. It means fucking pissing yourselves off, and yelling, and having moments that you'd rather never talk about :)

And in the end, I'm not even sure it's worth the risk....

luni, ianuarie 17

luni, ianuarie 17

Ia-mi mainile fierbinti intr-ale tale fara sa-ti pese de vanataile, semnele si juliturile de pe ele.
Mangaie-mi suvitele rebele, buclele ciufulite si varfurile despicate...
Strange-mi corpul in brate, oricat de imperfect ar fi...
Saruta-mi buzele crapate de la frig si avide de dorinta...
Ia-ma asa cum sunt si nu-mi cere mai mult decat iti pot da...
...pentru ca o sa incerc sa-ti dau oricum.
Gandeste-te la mine inainte sa adormi pentru ca si eu o sa fac la fel...
...poate o sa ne intalnim in vis :) ( desi tu nu visezi niciodata, mai bine...aseara am visat ca mi-a cazut un dinte)
Priveste-ma in ochi cu privirea aia pe care o ai atunci cand zambesti... sa-mi aduci aminte ce ochi frumosi si VERZI ai :P

De fapt, nici nu e nevoie sa-ti cer toate astea...Pentru ca le faci deja...
It's just a matter of how long you'll be doing it...

joi, ianuarie 13

It's not always rainbows and butterflies, it's compromises that move us along...

joi, ianuarie 13
Oare cat de adevarat e? Si oare cat de "forever" e "forever-ul" oare de ce sentimentele nu dispar, ci se transforma?

sâmbătă, ianuarie 1

Remix de 2010

sâmbătă, ianuarie 1
Would you stay just a little my love?Fericirea nu se cumpara in rateeeeeeeeee...Daca oamenii ar privi spre cer intr-o zi de mai...Nothing lasts forever, even cold november rain...Miercuri sau joi, nu e an fara nori, fara ploi...Dar tu pari a altora, niciodata doar a mea, a nimanui...So don't pretend to not love me at all...I bleed it out diggin' deeper just to throw it away...Well you used to get drunk and laugh and then we would make love...Rosu aprins, coloreaza-mi tacerea...Am sa alerg la mare sa-mi spal sufletul de noroi...I'm so happy, 'cause today I found my friend, they're in my head...You only want me 'cause it's over...First-born, unicorn, hardcore, soft porn...By the way I tried to say I'd be there, waiting for...If I'd just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?We know just who we aaaare...Cine sunt?Cine esti?oare ma mai iubesti?...We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl...Some fools fool themselves I guess, but they're not fooling meRecunoaste ca-i un cantec prost, recunoaste ca si noi am fost...She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette, she broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin' to forget...I dont know who you are, but I... I'm with you...Why won't you come on over and stop making a fool out of me? Won't you come on over, Valerie?...De-atunci si pan-acum spre oras eu ratacesc,e fum si este scrum si simt ca... ïnnebunesc...I told you, I was trouble, you know I'm no good.. I don't know who you think you are, but making people scared won't get you very far...My girl, my girl, don't lie to meee...tell me where did you sleep last night...Ca totusi ea mai e undeva...I want to save you, I need you to save me too...And I held your hand through all of these years, but you still have...all of me...Got no friend, got no lover...Non, je ne regrette rien..Strumming my pain with his fingers, singing my life with his words...In a manner of speaking I just want to say that I could never forget the way you told me everything without saying nothing...Is it to late to remind you how we were...I will never let you fall, I will stand up for you forever...Take my hand, and take my whole life too, 'cause I can't help falling in love with you...We're like cars on a cable, and life's like an hourglass glued to the table...One night and one more time, thanks for the memories...Cand voi fi, inseamna ca m-ai dorit, cand te voi gasi, inseamna ca m-ai cautat...I hope to lose myself for good...I hope you find me in the end...Stropi de mare-n parul tau, urme de buze pe umarul meu...Chair nu-ti pasa deloc? Sunt doar un om, un visator...ce te iubeste enorm...Got no reason for coming to me and the rain running down...Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me gooo...And I need you like a heart needs a beat, but here's nothing new...Yeah, I guess it would be nice, if I could touch your body, I know not everybody's got a body like you...And you give yourself away, and you give...And you give yourself away...I can't live with or without you...I'll stop the world and melt with you...Fuck you...Fuck you very much...One foot wrong and I'm gonna fall, somebody catch me, somebody catch me...Both hands tied behind my back for nothing, these times when we climbed so back to fall again, why we got to fall for it now?..I don't think that anybody feels the way I do, about you now...I have to let it go...And just enjoy the show...M-am obisnuit sa ador o iubire care m-a ucis...I still believe that we'll get it right again...E plin de sufletul vandut la mall...I'm trouble y'all...I disturb my town..Oh I've felt that fire and I've been burned, but I wouldn't trade the pain for what I've learnedIt's only half past the point of no return, the tip of the iceberg, the sun before the burn, the breath before the kiss and the fear before the phrase...A kiss with a fist is better than none...If you see this girl, can you tell her where I am?I'm just breaking bad habits, you're the first one to go...Pun piesa noastra pe repeat si o ascult la nesfarsit...Mi-e dor de tine...I don't care 'bout all the pain in front of me, 'cause I'm just tryin' to be happy...Goin' nowhere...goin' nowhere...Nothing compares...nothing compares to you...I know you well, I know your smell, I've been addicted to you...I remember you and me used to stay, the whole god damned day in bed...'Till the man of her dreams comes along, picks her up and puts her over his shoulder...Se tanguie ca te rupi din inima ei si o doare...She said she'd rather fix her makeup, than try to fix what's going on...You're my cocaine...I break the rules and like it...Prea multe regrete si doar o viata...Imperfect is the new perfect...I wish I was special, you're so very special...It seems that we're making up more than we're making love...She's got a smile, that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories...De ce te-ascunzi in mintea ta, iar pe mine ma uiti undeva langa tine?I'm not here for your entertainment...You don't really want to mess with me tonight...Urma tocului fierbinte pe trotuar...Urcat pe un munte ursuz si batran, stateam si priveam norii trecand si pe tine cu ei alergand...You could not believe your eyes if ten million fireflies... I was crying when I met you, now I'm tryin' to forget youAstazi nu iubesc...i want you to know, with everything i won't let this go...Help me, I've got no soul to sell...You almost don't believe it, as every voice is hanging from the silence I'm tied up to this feeling...Nothing to win and nothing left to lose...Let me tell you why I'd die for you...You made me happier than I've been by far...It must have been some kind of illusion...You are the only exception...Needing...for you to justify my love...Concrete jungle where dreams are made of...De ce ma vrei cum nu ma poti avea?Coming up only to show you wrong...O prietenie care s-a fumat...Maybe you'll rewrite my love song...I am colour...blind...I hate everything about you...why do I love you?Have you ever fall in love with someone you shouldn't fall in love with?...Iarta-ma daca durerea ca ti-am plecat va fi mai mare decat norocul c-am venit... If tomorrow never comes, will she know how much I love you?My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all...I am done, smoking gun...I would've laid down and died for you, I no longer cry for you...Found true love, lost your heart, now you don't know who you are...I can't tell you what it really is, I can only tell you what it feels like...Nu vreau sa ma gandesc, n-ai sa fii langa mine cand ma trezesc...Chiar de-i scurta, mult prea scurta viata mea, ti-o voi da...Fuck what I said, it don't mean shit now...You'll never see me again, no matter what you do...Oriunde ai fi, eu te voi iubi...dulcea mea, amara mea...Lose yourself in the music, the moment...I keep dreaming you'd be with me and you'd never go...I won't be sorry... Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did... Am crezut ca ma mint si ca te pot uita...It's just you and me, and all other people, with nothing to prove, nothing to lose...I think I'm moving but I don't know whereNot loving you is harder than you know...Vine peste tine, te-ngheata, ploaia te loveste in fata...I love you more than you will ever know...
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